This is the 2017 Pre-Christmas edition of the JS web framework benchmark. Almost as usual a few new frameworks appear in this round:
- dojo2
- etch
- petit-dom
- maquette
- vuera
- hyperhtml Update 2/3/2018: Please note that hyperhtml was incorrectly categorized as non-keyed in the results of round 7. The version 2.4 of hyperhtml performs much faster than 1.12.5 as can be seen from the snapshot of the table for the next round. Results of 1.12.5 have been removed from the table.
- lit-html
- gruu
- san.js
- Reflex-dom
- pux, thermite and halogen
- moon
- choo
Further the were new major releases for react and angular. All in all there are currently 76 framework variants in this round. A big thanks to all contributors to this round!